Anthropology and Human Genetics

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Publikationen und Vorträge


im Druck

Göhring A. (im Druck): „Probenaufschluss und -vorbereitung zur Messung der Isotopenverhältnisse in den Umweltproben von TP 7“ IN Faber A., Riedl H. (Edts.): „Studien zur frühen römischen Bevölkerung von Günzburg. Mit Beiträgen von Göhring A., Grünewald M., Heck K., Herzig F., Hölzl S., McGlynn G., Söllner F., Sommer S., Trautmann B.“, Materialhefte zur Bayerischen Archäologie

Mayer K., Greiner M., Göhring A., Schmahl W., Grupe G. (im Druck): „Burning bones - thermal stability of δ18Ophosphate“, Conference proceedings, Cremation Burials in Europe between the 2nd mill. B.C. and the 4th c. A.D. - Archaeology and Anthropology


Göhring A. (2021): „Allen's fossa - An attempt to dissolve the confusion of different non-metric variants on the anterior femoral neck“, International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 31(4), 513-522


Göhring A., Hölzl S., Joachimski M., Mayr C., Grupe G. (2020): „Multi-isotope fingerprint of humans, animals, and environmental samples from Karacamirli (Azerbaijan)“, IN Kaniuth K. (Edt.): „Karacamirli – Tepe 5. A multi-period necropolis in Western Azerbaijan“, Münchener Abhandlungen zum Alten Orient 6, PeWe-Verlag Gladbeck, Chapter 7, 217-245

Göhring A. (2020): „Morphological and histological survey of human remains from Tepe 5 (Azerbaijan)“,
IN Kaniuth K. (Edt.): „Karacamirli – Tepe 5. A multi-period necropolis in Western Azerbaijan“, Münchener
Abhandlungen zum Alten Orient 6, PeWe-Verlag Gladbeck, Chapter 6, 163-216

Göhring A., Mayr C., Grupe G. (2020): „Sea spray correction in δ13Ccarbonate, δ18Ocarbonate, δ18Ophosphate, and δ34Scollagen values of coastal humans - a methodological approach“, Science of the Total Environment 744, 140907.

Göhring A., Mauder M., Kröger P., Grupe G. (2020): „Which isotopes should we choose? Entropy‐based feature ranking enables evaluation of the information content of stable isotopes in archaeofaunal material“, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 34, e8692. 


Göhring A. (2019): „Anwendung KDD-basierter Methoden zur Interpretation multi-dimensionaler Isotopen-Fingerabdrücke“, Dissertation an der LMU München,

Greiner G., Rodríguez-Navarro A., Heinig M. F., Mayer K., Kocsis B., Göhring A., Toncala A., Grupe G., Schmahl W. W. (2019): „Bone incineration: An experimental study on mineral structure, colour and crystalline state“, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 25, 507-518

Göhring A., Mauder M., Kröger P., Mayr C., von Carnap-Bornheim C., Hilberg V., Grupe G. (2019): „Evidence for sea spray effect on oxygen stable isotopes in bone phosphate - approximation and correction using Gaussian Mixture Model clustering“, Science of the Total Environment 673, 668-684

Göhring A., von Carnap-Bornheim C., Hilberg V., Mayr C., Grupe G. (2019): „Diet and species-specific oxygen isotope relationship and isotope spacing between structural carbonate and phosphate in archeological mammalian bones“, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11, 2467-2487


Göhring A., Mauder M., Vohberger M., Nehlich O., von Carnap-Bornheim C., Hilberg V., Kröger P., Grupe G. (2018): „Palaeobiodiversity research based on stable isotopes: Correction of the sea spray effect on bone carbonate δ13C and δ18O by Gaussian Mixture Model clustering“, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 490, 673-686


Göhring A., Mauder M., Kröger P., Grupe G. (2016): „Using Gaussian Mixture Model clustering for multiisotope analysis of archaeological fish bones for palaeobiodiversity studies“, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 30 (11), 1349-1360


Göhring A., Toncala A.,Mayr C., Söllner F., Grupe G. (2015): „Stable oxygen isotope mapping of the transalpine
Inn-Eisack-Etsch passage based on modern α-cellulose and water“, Documenta Archaeobiologiae 12, 53-

Göhring A., Vohberger M., Nehlich O., Grupe G. (2015): „Approximation of the sea spray effect and limnic influence on δ34S and δ15N values of archaeological human and terrestrial and freshwater animal skeletal finds“, Documenta Archaeobiologiae 12, 169-188


Göhring A., Grupe G. (2013): „Restricted suitability of the Meatus acusticus internus for sexing archaeological
cremated human remains“, Documenta Archaeobiologiae 11, 11-23

Vorträge & Poster


Göhring A., Hölzl S., Mayr C., Strauß H. (2021): „Multi-isotopic approach of modern environmental samples from the Baltic coast reveals insights into sea spray mechanisms“, 27th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), 6.-11. September 2021 (online)

Göhring A. (2021): „What infant burials from Ur (Iraq) tell us about burial practices and social status of children in ancient Mesopotamia“, Workshop „Osteoanthropology of Children“, AG Paläoanthropologie und Prähistorische Anthropologie (APPA), Gesellschaft für Anthropology (GfA), 26. Februar 2021 (online)


Göhring A. (2020): „Über das Leben und Sterben im alten Mesopotamien - Anthropologische Untersuchungen in Ur (Irak)“, Zentrum Seniorenstudium LMU München, Vortragszyklus im Seniorenstudium, Spektrum der Wissenschaften: Faszination Biologie, 10. Juni 2020 in München (online)

Göhring A., Grupe G., Lengfelder F. (2020): „Predicting local bioavailable 87Sr/86Sr isotopes and similarity search in multi-dimensional isotope data sets“, Poster, 89th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical
Anthropologists (AAPA), 15. - 18. April 2020 in Los Angeles, USA (online conference)


Greiner M., Rodríguez-Navarro A., Heinig M. F., Mayer K., Kocsis B., Göhring A., Toncala A., Grupe G., Schmahl W. W. (2019): „The crystalline state of experimentally cremated bone“, Vortrag, 25th conference of the European Archaeologists Association, 5.-7. September 2019 in Bern, Schweiz

Göhring A., Mauder M., Kröger P., Grupe G. (2019): „Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) reveals new insights into multi-isotope data“, Vortrag, 25th conference of the European Archaeologists Association (EAA), 5.-7. September 2019 in Bern, Schweiz

Göhring A. (2019): „Anthropological survey of the human remains from Ur“, Workshop zu „Ur - Results of
the 2019 campaign“, Institut für Vorderasiatische Archäologie, 26. Juli 2019 in München


Göhring A., Mauder M., Kröger P., Grupe G. (2018): „Illustration of the sea spray effect detected in δ13Ccarbonate, δ18Ocarbonate, and δ34Scollagen using Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) clustering“, Poster, 8th International Symposium on Biomolecular Archaeology (ISBA), 18. - 21. September in Jena

Göhring A., Mauder M., Kröger P., Grupe G. (2018): „Sea spray effect in δ13C, δ18O, and δ34S illustrated by
Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) clustering“, Vortrag, 21st congress of der the European Association of Anthropology (EAA), 22.-25. August 2018 in Odense, Dänemark; "Pre-congress student award: EAA Best Student Oral Presentation Award 2018"


Mayer K., Toncala A., Göhring A., Greiner M., Grupe G. (2017): „Burning bones - thermic stability of δ18Ophosphate“, Poster, 2nd International Conference of the DFG Research Uni FOR 1670 "Transalpine Mobility and Cultural Transfer", "Cremation Burials in Europe between the 2nd mill. B. C. and the 4th c. A. D. - Archaeology and Anthropology, 12.-14. Oktober in München

Göhring A., Mauder M., Kröger P., Grupe G. (2017): „Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) clustering as a reasonable
tool for multi-isotope data analysis“, Vortrag, 12th International Meeting of the Society for Anthropology (GfA), Homo Homini Lupus? – Between Conflict and Cooperation, 18.-22. September 2017 in Geislingen a. d. Steige


Göhring A., Grupe G. (2015): „Approximation of the sea spray effect and a limnic influence on d34S and d15N values of terrestrial animals, freshwater animals and humans“, Vortrag, 11th International Meeting of the Society for Anthropology (GfA), Evolutionäre und moderne Herausforderungen für Homo sapiens - Eine anthropologische Spurensuche, 15.-18. September 2015 in München